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St Paul the Apostle Parish

First Sunday of Lent – 09 March 2025

A: 40 Buckleys Road, Winston Hills NSW 2153 | T: (02) 9639 6516 W:

Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm | For latest updates please visit our Facebook page

Parish Priest: Father John Paul Escarlan |  Assistant Priest: Father Abraham Kunnatholy

Baptisms: First and Third Sunday of each month. Baptism bookings only via our website


Our Lenten Journey

The Season of Lent comes with an invitation to a journey of introspection, repentance and renewal. This 40 day pilgrimage which began Ash Wednesday, which culminates in the celebration of Easter,

serves as a profound opportunity to deepen our relationship with God and to align ourselves more closely

with teachings of Christ.

Lent is traditionally observed through three foundational pillars: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. These practices are designed to purify our hearts, foster humility, and cultivate a greater sense of compassion towards others. By engaging ourselves in these practices with enthusiasm,

we prepare ourselves fully to embrace the joy of resurrection of Jesus.

Prayer stands at the heart of our Lenten observance. To spend time in meditation, solitude, prayer, scripture reading, and engage in a heartfelt dialogue with our creator. To make this season meaningful, dedicate specific moments of the day for practices like examination of conscience, reflective and family prayers, participate in holy mass, participate in Lenten retreat, etc.

Fasting is not merely an act of self-denial but is also a means of spiritual growth. Traditionally, this involves abstaining from certain meals or foods, symbolising our readiness to detach ourselves from worldly comforts to focus on spiritual growth. There are various kinds of fasts like the Daniel fast.

It is a biblically inspired practise that include abstaining from meat, fish, diary and sweets; a simpler diet. We need to consider fasting beyond food, like fasting from certain habits and addictions that may hinder our spiritual growth and thereby helping to create space for God in our lives.

Almsgiving embodies our call to love and serve our neighbours, particularly those in need.

This encourages us to engage ourselves in charitable activities, spending our time and talent

in philanthropic activities, supporting community activities and helping those who are less fortunate. They in turn will help our own spiritual nourishment.

Let us make this Lenten journey very personal so that it may resonate with our spiritual aspirations.

Let us make it fruitful, leading each one of us closer to God’s infinite mercy.

Father Abraham Kunnatholy CMI

Marian Pilgrimage information night: Sunday, 23rd March 2025

There is an opportunity to find out all you need to know about the upcoming Marian Journey and

pilgrimage to be held later this year. It features villages of some of the Church’s most renowned saints.

If you are interested to know more, please come along at 6:15pm in the Father David Scott Parish Centre. Feel free to visit:, contact Tom Lara 0417 430 949 or Father John Paul. Parish Safeguarding

Please refer concerns to our Parish Priest, or or 8838 3419.

Please pray for our sick … Heavenly Father, lay your healing hands upon all those who are sick. Amen Aeroll Klein, Ameriza Ayoub, Anne Burt, Anthony Iannuzzi, Bailey, Cathie Christie, David, Edgar Cruz, Fermin Manuel, George El-Bayeh, Helene Barker, Jenny Goudas, John Gin, Joshua McCarroll,

Krishna Premadas, Lorenzo Agostino, Loy De’Souza, Lucas Le Huray, Mark Lopez, Mary McConvey, Nick Galea, Mary Finianos, Maureen McLoughlun, Peter Gamble, Rosa Caccamo, Sally Georges, Sam Papallo, Sarah Sheehan, Valeriano Estacio Jnr, Vanessa Ibrahim.

Please pray for May the souls of our dearly departed rest in peace. Amen

Jack and Gladys Scott, Father David Scott, Angelique Jumeau, Beth Kenny, Charles and Josephine Clayton, Concetta Signati, George Steel, Denis and Ivan Justinic, Jennifer Villanova, Mary Papali, Roland Gonzalez, Rosa Sciara, Rosalie Merlino, Samuel Samson and Vinodh Loganathan.

Moments of Mercy

Do not fear anything, I am with you. These matters are in My hands and I will bring them to fruition according to My mercy, for nothing can oppose My will. (Diary 573).

Prayer for Vocations Each Lent should bring us closer to our God. There is no failure, except that of no longer trying. You can still follow Jesus more closely.

Mother of Perpetual Help Novena prayed after Mass every Wednesday morning.

Thursday Cenacles

Held in Marian Chapel after every Thursday morning Mass. Divine Mercy Chaplet

Fridays 3:30pm in Marian Chapel. Christ’s Catholic Community Prayer group every Friday 10am:

Parish Centre Conference Room.

Liturgy of the Hours

First Friday at 6:00pm

Men’s Ministry St Paul’s

Second Thursday of the month: 6pm-Church, 8pm-Parish Hall Women’s Ministry St Paul’s Third Thursday of the month:

6pm-Church, 8pm-Parish Hall

2SM Filipino Mass Second Sunday at 11:00am Mass with Ephpheta Third Sunday at 9:30am

Low gluten hosts Available upon request Communion to the sick

Contact parish office to organise. St Vincent de Paul Society 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month 7pm Parish Centre conference room

Hearing Loop

For signal, set to ‘T’ (Telecoil).

Lenten program and discussion groups

There is no need to register and everyone is invited to attend any or all sessions.

  • Held every Wednesday evening at 7:00pm during Lent in the Marian Chapel
  • Christ’s Catholic Community every Friday morning at 10:00am in the Parish Centre Conference

Stations of the Cross – 7:00pm every Friday evening (followed by Reconciliation until 8:30pm)

This Lenten season, come and share the sacred journey of the Stations of the Cross. It is a powerful time of reflection and prayer, as we follow Christ’s path to Calvary and meditate on His love and sacrifice. Whether you’ve participated before or are new to this devotion, the Stations offer a meaningful way to grow closer to God during Lent. Join us every Friday at 7:00pm as we gather in prayer, remembering Christ’s suffering and embracing His mercy. All are welcome and we encourage you to please bring along your family.

Count of attendances at Masses this weekend

At all weekend Masses on 8th/9th and 15th/16th March, there will be a count of those in attendance. The last count undertaken in our parish was 2021, and as you may appreciate, the (residual) impact of COVID was still evident. At these counts, no identifiable information will be collected and will be purely a head count. This is being undertaken to better inform our parish planning and strategies.

Feast of Saint Joseph in March – Novena and Mass times (including here at St Paul’s)

The Filipino Chaplaincy invite you to celebrate the Feast of Saint Joseph, A Pilgrim of Hope Novena. There will be novena masses

held across the Diocese and please join us here at St Paul’s on Sunday, 9th March at 7:00pm for a special novena mass.

The Feast Day Mass will be at St Patrick’s Church, Blacktown at 10:30am on Saturday, 15th March, followed by lunch and entertainment. For those attending 2SM Filipino Mass, on Sunday, 9th March, please note for March only it will instead be held (in English) at 7:00pm.

Men’s Ministry of St Paul: this Thursday 13th March

This month’s focus is the second commandment: “Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain”.

Aside from the obvious we will spend time expanding on the meaning of what God expects of us in this commandment. Starting with Adoration (6pm) and Mass (7pm) followed by our talk and gathering at the Parish Centre (~7:45pm).

All men welcome. To find out more contact the office on 9639 6516 or or this QR code.

World Apostolate of Fatima (WAF) change of date/time: this Friday, 14th March at 6:00pm

The group meets once a month for a holy hour to pray, learn and live the message of Fatima.

Topic for this month: Consecration of Russia. For March it will be held on the 14th (instead of 13th) and starts at 6:00pm. Contact Mark Napoli 0433 119 424, visit or scan this QR code:

Parish Youth Ministry – Joint FIAT and PYT gathering: Sunday, 16th March

We are excited to announce a joint gathering for the Youth Faith In Action Team (FIAT) and Parish Youth Teen (PYT) Ministry.

This event is open to all young adults aged 18 to 30 and youth in Year 7 to Year 12. The gathering will take place on Sunday, 16th March. Commences with 5:00pm Mass. Please join us after in the Father David Scott Parish Centre for food and discussion on the topic:

Lent: What’s the Point? Discovering the Purpose and Meaning of the Season.

We look forward to seeing you there and come along to meet and connect with your fellow parishioners and learn something new!

Please RSVP by Wednesday, 13th March (for catering) via WhatsApp chat (for young adults) or the parish office.

Women’s Ministry of St Paul: next Thursday, 20th March

Gathers on the third Thursday each month, commencing with Adoration (6pm), Mass (7pm) then assemble at the Parish Centre (~7:45pm). All women aged 18 and over welcome. Please come along and join with others in a special gathering where Sister Rebecca will be leading a discussion: Mary in the Gospel Journeying with our Lady through Lent. Contact Hala 0411 865 649 or parish office 9639 6516. Special afternoon: ‘The Seven Last Words of Christ From The Cross’ on Saturday, 29th March

Charbel Raish, Director of Parousia Media will be leading a special afternoon here in our parish as part of our Lenten journey.

The afternoon will commence at 2:00pm with Charbel presenting a session titled “The Seven Last Words of Christ From The Cross”. Eucharistic Adoration will follow starting at 4:00pm and will be followed by the 5:00pm Vigil Mass. Please note that Reconciliation will still be held that afternoon from 4:00pm to 4:45pm during Eucharistic Adoration. We encourage as many parishioners to attend.

Welcome to those Baptised here recently

To Ethan, Kylian, Seamus, Kayden and Blake, we pray her faith will be an important and integral part of her life.

Come along and join us Monday nights for ALPHA!

Alpha is a space where people can explore life, Christian faith and meaning, ask questions, and share their point of view.

All welcome to attend and is free. Registration to attend is necessary and be done via this link: . Alpha will run every Monday from 7:30pm to 9:00pm, through to 14th April in our Father David Scott Parish Centre. Visit: Drop in and enjoy our Leisure Group: this Wednesday, 12th March

A social group where the young at heart share a laugh and a cuppa every second Wednesday 10am – 12pm in the Father David Scott Parish Centre. The next get together is Wednesday, 12th March. Want to find out more? Please phone Anne on 0417 043 605

The FaithFeed: Saturday, 29th March

Have questions about life & faith? Join with others on the search at The FaithFeed live studio audience – hosted by Baulkham Hills Parish. All welcome. Doors open 7:00pm for 7:30pm start. Faith stories, live music, activities, conversation: 2025 Jubilee Year: this week the focus is on … the Jubilee of the World of Volunteering

An opportunity to thank, affirm and encourage the many lay people who contribute through volunteering. For all volunteers, God may continue to watch over their many works of service and to make them ever more spiritually fruitful, for the good of the Church and of the whole world.

Rosters for next quarter: please notify the parish office of any extended unavailability by Monday, 17th March. Thank you.


Parish Priest:          Father John Paul Escarlan

Assistant Priests:   Father Abraham Kunnatholy

Phone: (02) 9639 6516 

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm

Address:  40 Buckleys Road, Winston Hills NSW 2153


Baptisms: First and Third Sunday of each month. Baptism bookings only via our website


Weekend Mass times

Saturday Vigil  5:00pm

Sunday             8:00am, 9:30am and 5:00pm

Weekday Mass times

Monday to Saturday 9.10am (preceded by Rosary at 8:40am)

Thursday 7.00pm (preceded by Adoration at 6:00pm)


  • Thursday 6.15pm – 6.45pm (during Adoration)
  • First Friday 6.00pm – 7.00pm (during Adoration)
  • Saturday  4.00pm – 4.45pm


  • Thursday  6.00pm – 7.00pm
  • First Friday 9.45am – 9.00am Saturday

Masses livestreamed to Facebook:

Sundays 9:30am, except 3rd Sunday of the month at 5:00pm

Use Coupon Code “sptawh2153” to support St Paul the Apostle Catholic Parish Winston Hills