Baulkham Hills parish is committed to being a community of safeguarding with zero-tolerance to abuse of any form.
For details on safeguarding, please visit the diocesan safeguarding website:
Reviving Our Faith – Restoring Our Heritage
The identity crisis is a consequence of our postmodern global culture. More and more people are losing touch with their tradition, culture and faith. In philosophy one even speaks of the deconstruction of identity. The loss of identity is also the loss of faith and truth. Deconstruction therefore means dismantling of Christianity and Christian doctrines, and de-converting Christian heritage and symbols to become a society and culture independent of God and free of Christian symbols and culture. It begins with the abolition of religious education, then the removal of crosses in public buildings and squares and the prohibition of religious freedom. The next step is the disempowerment of Catholic institutions. Its aim is to weaken the faith through the paternalism and the dictatorship of secular culture.
To counteract the continuous reduction of Christian faith, Christians throughout the ages have built churches to remind society of God and the Christian faith. Church buildings are at the heart of the church’s mission. They connect heaven and earth, where God and the world meet. They are the place for worship and many other activities of our congregations. We need churches. Church buildings are places of remembrance of God for the good of the society.
In our parish we have three church buildings. Among them is one that was built in 1844 and is considered a cultural heritage site. The old church is a testimony to the faith of our ancestors. The old church is also a symbol of our Christian heritage and the pride of our parish. We must preserve this heritage for our children and for society.
In the past we have already made attempts to raise funds to renovate the old church. 30k was raised for this purpose. This sum is also a clear vote for this project. I am determined to honor this vote and to put it into action. We have been doing work for some time now. We still have to repair the roof, the floor and the stain windows to make the old church functional again.
To realize this project, we need a good spiritual and business plan.
Spiritually we want to rename the old church to Chapel of Our Lady of Ephesus where Mary, Mother of God, spent her final days and, many believe, ascended in the Assumption. A hidden gem of faith, this is where Jesus entrusted her to St. John. The naming of the old church to Our Lady of Ephesus also considers the fact that the sandstones were a gift from St Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney.
We’re bringing Mary’s spirit to the Southern Cross—restoring the old church and reconsecrating it as the Chapel of Our Lady of Ephesus. Soon, the only place in the southern hemisphere dedicated to her sacred legacy, a beacon of prayer and devotion. The chapel becomes a place of prayer and inner contemplation. That’s why we want to include a perpetual adoration area in the Chapel as well.
Moreover, the chapel can also be used for Holy Mass for special occasions, funerals, weddings, baptisms and other spiritual celebrations for smaller groups. The outdoor areas are suitable for catering purposes.
For further details, please visit our parish website or https://
I am very convinced of many interests also because of the uniqueness and character of the chapel. May Our Lady of Ephesus help us to complete the “divine” renovation of the old church: “Our Lady of Ephesus, Queen assumed into heaven, you who are Mother to all, guard and protect us from all perils, spiritual and physical. Intercede with your Divine Son for us who place in you all our trust and all our love. Amen.”
Have a great weekend
Fr Joe
We wish to thank our parishioners for their donations towards the maintenance of the church’s building
We acknowledge the receipt of the following donations:
The total amount will be transferred to a special account for the maintenance of the church’s building.
God bless and thank you
Fr Joe
This week’s live stream Mass link for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time on Saturday 01 March at 6pm from OLOL is
We really appreciate your continued support. To assist with the proper recording for the second collection, please include your envelope number if you have one.
For EFT to the First Collection – supporting the priests
BSB: 067 950
Account No: 000004265
Account Name: Diocesan Clergy
Reference: 6001 your name
For EFT to the second (envelope and loose) Collection – for support of the Parish
BSB: 067 950
Account No: 000000214
Account Name: St Michael’s Baulkham Hills
Reference: Envelope Number or Your Name
For EFT to the St Michael’s Special Account
BSB: 067 950
Account No: 100005310
Account Name: Special Purposes
Reference: Your name and please email details to
If you wish to pay by credit card, please use this link
Second Sunday of Lent
Readings: Gen 15:5-12, 17-18; Phil 3:17-4:1; Lk 9:28-36
Second Reading Rom 10:8-13
Scripture says: The word, that is the faith we proclaim, is very near to you, it is on your lips and in your heart. If your lips confess that Jesus is Lord and if you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, then you will be saved. By believing from the heart you are made righteous; by confessing with your lips you are saved. When scripture says: those who believe in him will have no cause for shame, it makes no distinction between Jew and Greek: all belong to the same Lord who is rich enough, however many ask for his help, for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Entrance Antiphon Of you my heart has spoken: Seek his face. It is your face, O Lord, that I seek; hide not your face from me.
Response to the Psalm: The Lord is my light and my salvation.
Gospel Acclamation: Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ! From the shining cloud the Father’s voice is heard: this is my beloved Son, hear him. Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!
Communion Antiphon This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.
Next Sunday: Third Sunday of Lent Ex 3:1-8, 13-15; 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9 |
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped with and contributed to last Sunday’s Morning Tea. Without your generosity, it would not have been as successful as it was. And thank you to those who donated some non- perishable items, as every little bit helps. We look forward to seeing you all at the next Morning Tea in April.
Leonie & Jolene.
Altar Serving Training Tuesday 18th March We will be hosting an altar server training session for any child who it interested in becoming an altar server. The children must have made their First Holy Communion.
Please complete the registration form using this link. This session will run for approximately 45 minutes. Information about the follow-up training sessions will be provided at the end of this session.
We want to congratulate the children who have recently completed their training and have taken the opportunity to trial serving during Mass. We would also like to thank the parents who have supported children throughout the training process. We are in the process of constructing a formal Altar Server roster. A roster will help to ensure these children have ample opportunity to serve and to avoid too many servers turning up at the same Mass. Thank you to the parents who have already contacted the Parish Office to advise 3 Mass preferences for altar serving. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the parish office and notify us as soon as possible if you have not already done so. For enquiries, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Parish Office on 9639 0598
Giving Envelopes for 2025/2026
We are currently organizing the planned giving envelopes for 2025/2026. As usual, we are happy to provide you with giving envelopes. However, if you do not need one, please let the parish office know by Wednesday 19 March
Lenten Reflection Program
Lenten Reflections every Monday in Lent after the 9:15 am Mass in the Crying Room. We will be reading through the Lenten Program published
through the Wollongong Archdiocese. For more information please message Donella at 0473535112 or walk in.
Please also remember those for whom prayers have been requested, especially for:
Recently deceased: Ermes Schinacriol, Eleanor Long
Anniversaries: Reg Farrell, Fr. Mick O’Callaghan, Narcisa Uson, Michael Mckenna, James Zahra, John O’Flaherty
Sick: Valentina Diaz Mendoza, Joshua McCarroll, Peter Maguire, Bill Rowan, Jo Khong, Natasha Leitao, Felix Melinz, Arlene D’Cruz, Judy Poon, Jacqui Sneesby, Rebecca Grech, Monera Obeid,
Cathy Vella, Mary Burns, Margaret White, Tony Biddle, Debra Price, Connie Rivas, Joey & Noah, Greg Hopwood, Garry Eldersley,
Marie Bolton, Katherine Izzo, Mimi Yeung, Nicholas Tadros, Judy Taylor, Kong Su Chong, Frank Jacobs, Jamal Kairouz, Greg Brown, Cynthia Gomes, Jacinta Hollins, Florgina Henry,
Baby Carter McGhie, Richard Miranda, Bridgette & Gabriella Boldt, Jane Gibson, Mabel Yabsley, Joseph MacDermid, Violet Nehme, Catherine Hemmings, Young William Merhi, Benett Perera,
Rev Dr. Richard Waugh QSM, Khyla Meighan, Lisa Middleton, Joel Uvero, Charlie Howell, Frankie Fernandez, Leonie Turner, Rod Johnson, Maria Roche, Melba Oki, Peter Dawson,
Peter Campbell, Pablo Herrara, Philippa Ford, Honor Rosario, Harry & Pam Williams, Lavinia Costello, Anne Torina Wayman, Evan Garcia, Brian Roche, Warren Moses, Carmel Willis, Matthew Burke, Julie Bracks, Roumanos Nehme, Deba Beani, Edward Beani, Jenny Francis and all who are ill.
Parish Priest: Fr. Joseph Lam
Assistant Priests: Fr Thomas Bui
Assistant Deacon: Deacon Roque Dias
The Parish of Baulkham Hills
Phone: (02) 9639 0598
Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm
Office Administrator: Monica O’Callaghan
Assistant Secretary: Betty Cheung
1 Chapel Lane, Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153
1 Canyon Rd, Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153
PO Box 702, Baulkham Hills 1755
Saturday Vigil: 5.30pm
Sunday: 8.00am, 10.00am and 6.00pm
Mon – Fri: 9.15am Sat: 9.00am
ROSARY: Mon – Fri 8.50am, Sat 8.45am
Tuesday 9.45am – 10.45am
Saturday 9.30am – 10.30am, 4.45 – 5.15pm
Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm
Sunday: 9.00am
Wed – Fri: 9.30am
Friday 8.50am prior to 9.30am Mass
Saturday 5.00 – 5.30pm
Use Coupon Code “parishofbh2153” to support Parish of Baulkham Hills